Enroll now for the 25/26 school year!
Enroll now for the 25/26 school year!
Calico Kids Preschool uses The Creative Curriculum for Preschool as the foundation for its educational program. Creative Curriculum is a nationally recognized, research-based curriculum which is developmentally appropriate for all preschool children. This means that teaching methods match the way children develop and learn. This promotes their optimal development and learning. The Creative Curriculum guides our interactions with children and the planning of our daily activities for the children.
Calico Kids Preschool uses the Teaching Strategies GOLD Assessment tool for the children. GOLD is an authentic, observational assessment system that is designed to help identify what children know and can do, as well as their strengths, needs, and interests. The GOLD assessment information is entered into an on-line system and scored three times a year. Information from the assessment is analyzed and shared with families at conferences and upon request. We also use student portfolios and other assessment tools to guide our instruction.