Calico Kids Preschool is open to children who are three years of age by September 15th through five years of age. In order to be eligible for Preschool Initiative Program, children must be four years of age by September 15th and reside in the Sioux City school district.
We recommend that children be potty-trained although we acknowledge that accidents do occur.
Enrollment for each session is limited to the maximum capacity determined by child care licensing.
Calico Kids Preschool offers half-day preschool classes, September through May.
The morning class is 8:45-11:30 am.
The afternoon class is 12:15-3:00 pm.
3 year olds: Monday/Tuesday, Wednesday/Thursday, or Monday-Thursday.
4 year olds: Monday-Thursday.
No class on Fridays.
We follow the school district for many of their closings. A yearly calendar is provided to parents at the beginning of each year that outlines the holidays, breaks, and special events throughout the year.
4-year-olds who qualify for the Preschool Initiative Program attend for FREE.
Tuition fees for 3-year-olds are due on the 1st of each month. SHIP scholarships are available to families that qualify based on income. If you qualify, the tuition payment will be reduced. SHIP scholarships are given on a first come basis. Parents may apply by filling out an application and returning it to the school.
Tuition Fees for 3-year-olds:
$20 supply fee is required in order to complete registration and guarantee your spot.
Complete a pre-registration form if you are interested in registering your child. Once we receive the form, we will contact you through email to schedule a time to come to the school and pick up the rest of the paperwork. Be sure to check your junk mail folder!
1407 West 18th Street, Sioux City, Iowa 51103, United States